Small Business Loans for Filipino Entrepreneurs

Apply in Minutes, Get Funded in 1 Day

  • Loans from 10,000 PHP to 5,000,000 PHP
  • Starts from 2.0% monthly interest rate
  • No collateral, fast approval

How it Works

Loan Application

Fill in a short application form
with your business details


We use multiple data sources and
that help us evaluate you quickly and fairly

Loan Offer and Disbursement

We aim to disburse the funding to you
within 1 day after your application is approved
Get a loan in 3 steps!

How much loan do you want to apply for?

Funding amount



Funding tenure

12 months

0 months

Your monthly gross sales


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Loida Alcantara
"Pondo Pinoy has greatly assisted in the growth and expansion of my store. Many thanks!"
Loida Alcantara
Grocery Store Owner
May Anne Barretto
"The speed of receiving funds is incredible—less than 15 minutes from contract acceptance. Thumbs up to Pondo Pinoy!"
May Anne Barretto
Quick Service Advocate
Sarah Jane Bitoin
"Absolutely legitimate and 100%! The staff are not only easy to talk to but also exceptionally kind."
Sarah Jane Bitoin
Satisfied Customer
Nancy Manalo
"Pondo Pinoy was instrumental in expanding my business. The process of receiving funds and making payments is incredibly straightforward. Thanks to Pondo Pinoy, I now own two stores. Thank you so much!"
Nancy Manalo
Sari-Sari Store Owner
Kristine Lagasca
"I've secured loans from Pondo Pinoy three times, each time without a hitch. My latest loan was larger, with longer terms and surprisingly low installments. I will definitely recommend this company."
Kristine Lagasca
Repeat Borrower

About Us

Pondo Pinoy Lending Corp. is a dedicated microfinance leader in the Philippines, proudly registered under SEC No. 2023060102998-03. Our mission is clear: to uplift Filipino lives by providing accessible, affordable loans tailored for micro, small, and medium enterprises. Our unique approach combines the personal touch of field agents with the efficiency of online payment gateways, ensuring comprehensive support and seamless service delivery to our clients.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower every customer by being their primary financial partner, providing flexible, affordable services designed to promote and support their growth.

Our Vision

We envision becoming the foremost supporter of microenterprise growth in the Philippines, understanding and fulfilling their unique financial needs like no other.

Our Values

  • Providing high-quality, affordable loan solutions.
  • Fostering long-term relationships with our clients.
  • Being responsive and adaptive to client needs.
  • Continuously improving our services using a data-driven methodology.


What types of loans does Pondo Pinoy offer?

"We offer a range of loans tailored for microenterprises, including short-term working capital loans, long-term recurring loans for strong businesses, and invoice financing loans for immediate cash needs."

How quickly can I receive loan funds after approval?

"Once approved, funds are typically disbursed swiftly, so you can start utilizing your loan to grow your business without delay."

What do I need to apply for a loan?

"Applying is simple! Just provide some basic business information, documentation of your business operations, and financial statements."

Can I repay my loan early without penalties?

"Absolutely! We support your financial freedom and allow early repayments without any penalties, aligning with our goal to facilitate rather than hinder your business growth."

How does Pondo Pinoy ensure the security of my personal information?

"Your privacy is paramount. We use state-of-the-art security measures to protect your personal and financial information throughout the loan process."

Is Pondo Pinoy regulated by any financial authorities?

"Yes, Pondo Pinoy Lending Corp. is fully registered and regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under registration number 2023060102998-03, ensuring compliance with all national financial regulations to provide you safe and reliable service."